05 December, 2016

Impact of NCTE regulations 2014 on Teacher education

1.      Concept of NCTE :

NCTE stands for national council of teacher education, formed in 1973 as advisory body central and state governments on matters of teacher education. Department of Teacher Education of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is the part of NCTE for curriculum design. The National Council for Teacher Education as a statutory body came into existence in pursuance of the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (No. 73 of 1993) on the 17th August,1995.

2.      Definition of NCTE:

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) is an Indian government body set up under the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (#73, 1993) in 1995 is to formally oversee standards, procedures and processes in the Indian education system.

3.      Objectives of NCTE:

v  To achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education system throughout the country.
v  To regulate and properly implement the Norms and Standards in the teacher education system and for matters connected therewith.
v  It aims at guiding and training individuals for equipping them to teach pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools, non-formal and part-time education, adult education (correspondence) and distance education courses.

4.      Concept of  M.ed:
The Master of Education (M.Ed) is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by Savitribai Phule Pune university. This degree in education often includes the following majors:
curriculum and instruction, counselling, school psychology, and administration. It is often conferred for educators advancing in their field.

5.      General objectives of M.ed course.

i.                    Understand the socio-economic-cultural and academic background of students of the B.Ed. program.
ii.                   Master the methods and techniques for developing competencies, commitment and performance skills essential in the teaching profession.
iii.                 Explain the nature of issues and problems faced by the State system of education and suggest some innovative remedies to solve them.
iv.                 Appreciate the national education policies and provisions made in the plan to spread quality secondary education in the country, and the ways to equip would be secondary teachers for the same.
v.                  Understand in the light of recent global developments, the new thrusts in education and the ways to inculcate intellectual, emotional and performance skills among secondary would be secondary teachers teaching the “Global citizens of tomorrow”.
vi.                 Imbibe in would be secondary teachers the attitudes and skills required of ‘life-long learners’ on the ‘ICT influenced world of today and tomorrow’.
vii.              Acquire the skills required of a ‘consumer’ and ‘practitioner’ of educational research and innovation.

viii.            Preamble:-
                  The NCTE 2014 had designed different regulations to change the perception of teacher education. It mainly focuses on nurturing and enhancing teaching skills and overall development of a student teacher.
ix.                Duration of the course
                  The Masters of Education (M.Ed.) course is of two years which can be completed within a period of three years.

6.      Infrastructure :

Infrastructure plays very important role in teacher education system. To equip students with all necessary teaching/learning aids will help them understands subjects in depth and use the knowledge gained in colleges effectively in teaching process.

A)    NCTE 2014 Act has given clear guidelines about how the land and built up area of  M.Ed program in combination of  other teacher education program should be as below.

Built up area(sqm)
Land area (in sqm)
3500sq. mts
4000 sq. Mts

      B) The institution must have following infrastructure:
            1)  One class room for every 50 students
2)  Multipurpose hall with capacity of  200 with dias with total are 2000 sq. Ft.
3)  Library cum resource centre.
4) Principals office
5) Staff room
6) Store room
7) Canteen.
8) Visitors room.
9) Separate toilet facilities for men,women and staff.
10) Parking space.
11) Health and physical education centre.
12) Arts and Crafts resource centre.
13) Multipurpose playfield.

       C) Instructional:
1)      It shall have library-cum-resource centre wherein teachers and students shall have access to variety of materials to support and enhance teaching/learning process, e.g. Children’s books, Audio/video players with educational CDs.
2)      Raw material for teaching aids and plays material for arts and crafts activities.

7.      Positive impact of infrastructure on teachers education

a)      Proper infrastructure will enable teachers to teach the students efficiently.
b)      Equipments and materials available in sufficient quantity and quality enables teachers to conducts various programs practically.
c)      Musical, audio/video instruments generate interest in students for learning the subjects.
d)     Playgrounds and physical education centres keeps students mentally as well as physically healthy.
e)      Program centres encourages students to excel in co-curricular activities, leading to his/her all-round development.

8.      Negative impact of infrastructure in teacher education:

Having good infrastructure can not have any negative impact on the teacher education. Only things which can be considered as negative is that, it is very tough to make available the entire infrastructure instructed by NCTE 2014 Act in educational institutions. This may be in terms of sufficient space which is not easily available or basic amenities as they are very costly in many regards.

9.      Conclusion.

      So here we come with the conclusion that, having infrastructure in teachers educational institutes as per the standards of NCTE 2014 Act will certainly help in development of competent skilled teachers. NCTE has taken care of every aspect in suggesting how infrastructure of the teacher education institute should be. This infrastructure makes sure that there will be healthy atmosphere in the institute for teaching/learning process and all-round development of the students is guaranteed if these norms are followed unaltered. Though few facilities may be impractical for some institutions to make them available due to any reasons, but it is very important to note that maximum of these suggested facilities should be available in the institution.

10.  References:
     c) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_India