28 October, 2014


BORN-6 OCT1893 Shaoratoli, Dhaka, British India
DIED – 16 FEB 1956   Delhi, India.
FIELDS – physics and mathematics
KNOWN FOR – thermal ionization, Saha ionization equation.
Meghnad saha was an Indian astrophysicist best known for his development of the saha equation, used to describe chemical and physical condition in stars.
Meghnad sahas best known work concern the thermal ionization of elements, and it led him to formulate what is known as the saha equation. This equation is one of the basic tools for interpretation of the spectra of stars in astrophysics. By studying the spectra of various stars, one can find their temperature and from that, using saha equation, determine the ionization state of the various elements making up the stars.
Saha also invented an instrument to measure the weight and pressure of solar rays and helped to build several scientific institutions, such as the physics department in Allahabad University and the institute of nuclear physics in Calcutta. He founded the journal science and culture and was the editor until his death. He was the leading spirit in organizing several scientific societies, such as the national academy of science (1930), the Indian physical society (1934). Indian institute of science (1935) and the Indian association for the cultivation of science (1944). A lasting memorial to him is the saha institute of nuclear physics, founded in 1943 in Kolkata.
Saha was the chief architect of river planning in India and prepared the original plan for the damodar valley project. His own observation with respect to his transition into government project and political affairs is as follows.
“Scientists are often accused of living in the “ivory tower” and not troubling their mind with realities and apart from my association with political movement in my juvenile years, I had lived in ivory tower upto1930 but science and technology are as important for administration now-a-days as law and orders. I have gradually glided into politics because I wanted to be of some use to the country in my own humble way”    

"Meghnad Saha's ionization equation, which opened the door to stellar astrophysics '' was one of the top ten achievements of 20th century Indian science [and] could be considered in the noble prize class." - Jayant Narlikar  

''The impetus given to astrophysics by saha's work can scarcely be overestimated, as nearly all later progress in this field has been influenced by it and much of the subsequent work has the character of refinements of saha's ideas''. -S.Rosseland

"He was extremely simple, almost austere, in his habits and personal needs. outwardly, he sometimes gave an impression of being remote,matter of fact, and even harsh, but once the outer shell was broken, one invariably found in him a person of extreme warmth, deep humanity, sympathy and understanding; and though almost altogether unmindful of his own personal comforts, he was extremely solicious in the case of others. it was not in his nature to placate others. He was a man of undaunted spirit, resolute determination, untiring energy and dedication .''- D.S.Kothari

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