29 October, 2014

Otto Hahn

                                    OTTO HAHN                                                                                                                                            
                                                       (8 march 1879-28 july1968)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Otto Hahn was a german chemist and a pionner  in the feilds of radioactivity 
                                     and radiochemistry. He  won Noble prize in chemistry in 1994 for the 
                                       discovery of nuclear fission. He is regarded as one of the most significant
                                        chemists of all the time and especially as''THE FATHER OF
                                        NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY'' .Otto wanted to become an industrial
                                         chemist. He also completed one year in military services .He recevied is 
                                          doctrate in Marbug for classical organic chemistry.

                           DISCOVERY OF ISOTOPES- Hahn's intention had been to work in industry
                            Within this in mind,and also to improve his knowledge of English ,he took up a
                              post at University College London in 1904.Hahn worked on radiochemistry
                              at that time a very new feild.In 1905 ,in this course of his work with salts
                              of radium, Hahn discovered a substance he called RADIOTHORIUM(228)
                               which at that time was believed  to be a new radioactive element.
                               The term isotope was coined in 1913. Hahn worked under Ernest Rutherford
                                at McGill University in Montreal, Canada where he discovered ThoriumC
                                Radium D, and radioactinium and investigated  the alpha rays of


                              DISCOVERY OF MESOTHORIUM-  (RA 228)
                                 In 1906 Hahn returned to germany ,where he collaborated with Emil Fischer at
                                 the university  of Berlin .in subsequent years mesotherium 1( radium 228)
                                   achieved great importance  because like  radium 226 it was ideally suited for
                                     use in medical  radiation treatment , while costing only half as much to
                                     manufature . In 1914 , for the discovery of mesotherium 1,Otto Hahn
                                     was first nominated  for NOBEL PRIZE  in CHEMISTRY  by Adolf von
                                      Bayer . During his lifetime Hahn was awarded orders, medals, scientific
                                     prizes and fellowship  of academics , socities,  and institutions  from all
                                      over the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ACHIEVEMENTS - Otto hahn  was awarded by  the MAX PLANCK SOCIETY  to young scientists      and  reaserchers    in both natural n social sciences  . He severed as  the first president  of the MAX PLANCK SOCIETY  from 1948 to 1960.Otto hahn also discovered  proatactinium  during the first  world war.He was transferred to '' HEADQUATERS OF HIS MAJESTY''  in berlin and was able to resume  his radioactive research in his institute. he published articles on nuclear fission.                                                    

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